My Friends?
Current mood: Ready to Kick some ass and make big changes


Throughout the years as a business owner you always meet boat loads of people who want something from you or actually like what you do. I was reading an old FTK magazine last night, and Tony Reddington hit the nail on the head. Seems like we think a lot alike when it comes to our industry.

Its very true that I always give everyone an A+ rating when I first meet someone, this way since I have no idea who the hell you are anyway we are equals when it comes to everyday communication. Usually (with kids) it takes about a week or so to get the ?”he’s an asshole” tagline from them (usually I didn’t give them something free). I mean most not all but most kids who skate today think that if they can kickflip they “DESERVE” to be a team rider or worse yet sponsored by the big guys. I know this kid who skates in Cape May at a park, we go to it once in awhile and this guy is such a “P.I.A” every other word is sponsored or Free or I was on sponsohouse and got hooked up. “HEY KID, YOU HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO SKATE FIRST” just because you wear the gear and buy it at FULL RETAIL, I’m sure the shop loves his best customer. Our team manager makes our kids live by a rule now!

“SHUT UP AND SKATE” (it works guys try it). I mean sponsorship, contests, videos are a have to in our industry. But for goodness sake at least be able to skate FAST if you even think of being sponsored. Slow skating is so damn boring. Back to the kids of today, every so often I meet a special one who exemplifies what “I” feel is a true skater, I did just that a couple weeks ago. In Medford I met this kid luke. I mean this guy only toying around the park on a beat up board but he just killed it!!! So I get a chance to sit and speak with him. This kid had the best attitude I have met to date, he not only skates well, but when I asked him what he wants to do with his talent he says” I just like skating and having fun”. I was blown away, a kid who rips and could care less about the hype of how good he is! A+ to his parents on that one.

People I meet everyday seem to be getting way to angry. I mean really no one is born ghetto, emo, wigger or whatever you think you are, we are all born equal. So why pose? Why be a butthead? Why act like someone else when you can be yourself and lead the pack?! I try to think that I represent the skate indutry in a positive way, perhaps that’s why I seperate myself from the wiggers, users, bad seeds, and poser kids that skate, I never got into this business to make money like most all other “NEW” shops who are riding the “skate Boom”. I got into this business to change lives and make a damn difference when it is most needed by the kids today. Perhaps that’s why I have “no friends”, the Galloway kids hate the shop (they ride by and yell at kids) and the news media are always doing stories on our shop and its team riders who provide a positive image. If you are not in skating to skate, then why the hell are you here?? Keep your I’m better than everyone, I can kick your ass, I am a gangster attitude to yourself and live by an easy thought:







My thanks to past and present team riders who have moved on to better things:

* Mitch Hartman (still Bordz partner) He knows it all

* Dawn Miller (College in Florida)

* Nate Gibson (where the hell are you?)

* Mike McCarthy (Come backto Bordz bitch)

* Dolan Ott (Present Team Manager)

* Alex Roman (the world team rider for Bordz)

* Matt Henry (Ride for One now)

* Linda (daily thoughts for my mind)

* Nick byers (cares more than I do now about the shop)

So does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on out there? Shop has been busy but not as it was before the almighty bush Iraq war. Oh well push on and make things happen right? The recession seems to have hit a large amount of the action sports industry, not only in the pocket but in their way of dealing with each other? What I mean is this, several skaters from our shop went into a shop in Sea Isle and the owner went off on them about me and my shop?? First of all, I never met the guy, have no idea of what he is about and he hates me? Why? Guess I must be doing something right for his anger about me. I wonder if he knows all about the other shops near him that are taking over his business? I’m like 30 minutes away, those guys are in his backyard. Hey mate, watch your own yard, mine is doing great. No hard feelings but being a nice person gets you way futher than the show you reportedly put on to a group of kids who never met you before???

Someone once told me a valuable saying I try to keep at heart:

Get along or get the hell out!

It really works, makes you a happier person too. Hope all is great with you guys out there who read my ramblings, I’ll try to get them rolling again but summer skate camp starts Monday and we are full for 4 weeks this summer!!! New things: Bordz skatepark in P.A? Bordz Skateboardz are released nationwide with new artist graphics coming soon, I finally got in the water again to surf, lessons are booming on the mini ramp and The new Circa, Fallen, Nike, Adio, Krew, Supra gear is on the way in for back to school. Drop by the Bordz shop in Galloway, NJ and say hi.

Skateboarding the way we live it: BORDZ

Since the opening of the Bordz shop in Somers Point it has always been an uphill struggle to bring in new lines of product, or make the bills, or even just to open everydaywitha fresh new idea. Thanks to the power of the man upstairs I have been blessed with abilities to change peoples ideas of what is right, also what people think of themselves in general. For example, I decided to begin a Christian Skateboarders Sunday group meeting to help energize the youth skaters of the areas inner spirit as God wants us to. First day, only two guys showed up to study then skate together on our in store ramp. After two weeks we now have four members to our group and I pray it continues to grow as they will grow in faith based group meetings and skate sessions. I know, this is weird right? Well, I own the Bordz shop and God has it very clear to me that I am here to do things like this to reach the troubled kids in my area and hope to turn them back into their faith. Besides, I am the only store I know of that would even do a thing like this, “Its Free” So where is the return you might ask? In my heart and personal growth have to answer you with.

Changes in the economy have produced difficult retail patterns of consumer confidence. Most everyone who comes in spent the stimulus check on a bill, not to accelerate the retail growth. Marshalls, Ross, Kohls, Forman Mills all now rule to sector at the moment due to low pricing and “b or c” quality product. Overstock discount chains are also not so effected by the economy due to their price point purchasing power, let’s face it, where do you think all the gear goes we as specialty shops don’t sell? That’s right the “third” market, Discount Chains usually after a year in circulation or so on the style.

We are changing our focus to the skateteam we have. The kids are young, some very young and show great promise, however, youth growing pains always make me feel like a babysitter with some of them. I have recently promoted a long-time team rider “Dolan Ott” to team Manager. His abilities are far beyond those of his peers and his work ethic is second to none I have ever seen. This Change looks to re-ignite the fire lost by the team riders and make them better people not just team riders for years to come. Dolan brings to the table years of competitive experience, along with a personality that is both marketable and enlightening.

While the Pro ranks reel from the damage of changes, we as specialty shops begin to search out new forms of revenue and services to offer the consumer. The kids who frequent the Mall stores are missing out on a seriously under rated act of business, Customer service. Hey guys, just cause they carry every brand, just a bit though, certainly does not make their staff knowledgeable at all, but then again, your at a mall buying skate gear, I’m certain you couyld care less. WAKE UP! You are just another “number” in the system. I have enclosed an article that was written so long ago I hardly remember it but I found it the other day.

Till later:




 How many of you skaters out there go to Zumiez, Pac Sun or any other corporate chain store location to buy your skate gear? So how many of you also get the wrong gear handed to you by some kid who hasn’t been alive as long as some of the specialty shop owners have spent on the toilet? Good question eh? Do you really think that these kids know what’s best for you? 


If you are a true skater I mean eat sleep and breathe skating than you would never be caught dead in a mall shop that sells sporting goods gear or ghetto wear next to it’s skateboards. What are you really thinking by doing that?


I’m sure you have taken a good look around at just how many new mall shops are opening to grab your money, that’s right I said grab your money. Once you leave the shop you’re a profit margin not a skater who is loyal to his or her shop. When was the last time you saw ANY mall shop do anything for the local skaters?


Mall shops are just that, Mall shops who now carry corporate branded brand name Skate /

Surf / and Snowboard products at an outrageous price to you the consumer. In the past at one point companies took pride in their ability to be a “Core” product line, and denied access of their products to the Mall shops and mail order companies.


Now it seems all that has changed? And the lure of profit margins and good old boy get rich quick schemes rule the industry. It’s a shame when you find high quality lines like certain shoe lines (who I can not name due to fallout) in the local mall? Once a “Core” product line, $#@! has taken its profits to a record high by selling its brand name out to the Mall market and EVERY POSER ON THE STREET!


Where do we go from here? My guess would be Acme with World Industry completes or how about Liquor Stores selling skate and surf wax? Oh and how about the best one yet, 711 Corner food marts with racks of Volcom and Element apparel for sale? Where does it end? You can get Element, and Roxy at Marshall’s and Ross for less than retailers pay at a Wholesale cost? I think that is imperative that our industry needs to look deep within it and see where the industry started from and just how they plan to keep the core skater from having to do mail order or visit their local mall to get their products.

Not to mention, how do they differ from the kid who just wears the gear and can’t even skate?


Companies need to drive the skaters back to the shops that support them the specialty stores located in YOUR “hood”.  


Most every specialty shop owner has been boarding at a high level of expertise for almost their entire lives, which gives them an edge over the mall shops with adolescent salespeople.


One of the biggest changes over the past twenty years is that the attitudes of the younger athletes themselves that have taken a nosedive. It seems that almost every kid that does our sports belongs to the (WIIFM) school of skating. For those that do not know what that means it’s the (What’s in it for me) train of thought that destroys almost every person who gets it. As I told a group of 65 students at a past years Career day speech I gave, only one person on several thousand are even given the chance to live the dream of making a living at what they do as a professional.


Ever wonder why Pro athletes make so much these days?

Think it has to do with having such short careers?

Again WIIFM, what happened to the soul of our lifestyle?


Not to long ago we had Wildcats, Boozy the Clown, among others who were Professional

Snowboarders and they put out some truly Funny videos, but never had the youth riders live what they where doing, in fact they put a disclaimer saying just that; “We don’t condone this behavior”. But the video was very entertaining, and also helped to launch several careers from the exposure. Now we have every brand name company following the trends and no one to actually lead the youth of our sport in a positive, clean, and driven direction for the future. Where do we go from here?


I have a shop directly across from a skate park where I teach skateboard lessons, have contests, and just plain keep our kids busy and out of trouble. My biggest rant is that due to the influence of Mall shops, certain brand Name companies marketing plans, and media advertisements, these kids are almost all carbon copies of the next kid on a board. In AJ Kohn’s article (one skateboards) about freestyle approach to skateboarding he even said he has seen a major lack of creativity among the up and comers. Of course there are a few exceptions but really, when was the last “REAL” standout skater like Tony Hawk, or Rodney Mullen been around your shop? These guys defined skateboarding among others, so where do we go from here?


The influences of the Media, marketing and company Sales Reps, and even the Pro skaters themselves have created a great void in the way we can reach these kids before they become a problem and get hurt. Hey guys, put the fun back in the industry, enough megabucks events, help us who reach the skaters everyday face to face and support our efforts to bring back the soul of the industry


“I know it hurts your sales goals but take back the industry get it out of the wrong hands at the mall and give it back to the experts!”


  Well now since our last blog posting a lot has transpired within skateboarding in general, from market shifts to actual full team mass exits! from a shop owners prespective that makes us rather unsettled on the Economy of NJ. Since our last poisting a huge amount of email has hit me from sales to just plain comments on the NJ skate scene. This morning the report or “big story” for Nj was that the state legislature plans to enact a law that all taxpayers must have health Insurance and report this annually? Now I trully understand children being covered 100% but adults being mandated to carry insurance? So if we are already not making rent, car payments, etc where will that cash come from? I’m sure no styate help will coming to us for it. Can you imagine the hookers in AC having to get healthcare insurance? Yeah right, oh but I’m sure they can afford it though. Recently skateboarding has seen its share of changes and even some mass exits. For instance:

*Kris Markovich and his entire team of skaters has left Crimson Skateboards in mass. (I got this from a great inside source), I’m sure he will resurface soon with another board line. He was starting to make some real sales over here at the shop, but that has alot to do with the economy.  As I hear it Crimnson will be a low cost high quality board company in the future?

* Now on to Adio footwear, As everyone knows Planet earth clothing is now closed and gone but with recent happenings Adio is now suspect to closure? Hawk, Margera, Hamilton, Torres among others have left the pro team and been offered contracts elsewhere, is that the demise of Adio???? I do know one thing, my lineup is on sale at $10 off every shoe till this gets resolved.

* Also developing is the story of the battle of the branding? For what seems to be ever, major brands held their names out of local “core” shops in favor of the mall style shops, (more cashflow, they are corporate owned) but now the trend seems to be on a downturn for Malls, the core shops are being opened almost daily due to slower retail figures making it a much closer race for the consumers buck. Shops like Zumiez, and mail order giants like C.C.S (california Cheap Skates) are seeing a decline just ;like all of us in sales partly due to the non-exclusivity of some products. This makes shops like mine that offers everything from lessons, parties, mini ramp sessions and the very same products the mall sells a chance to take over the retail sectors we live in. Let’s face it just cause malls are corporate and have gobs of cash to waste, do you really think they are a better choice than your local skate shop??? I would sure hope not, we are not kids, and we do what we sell! Skate / Surf / Bike. Next time you need gear you should roll into the local shops and help them take back skateboarding.

Expansion companies coming soon!!!!

Deathwish – Baker expansion

Slave – Zero expansion

these are only two look for more real soon!!!!

Till next post:



Proudly Annoying everyone every chance I get.So what happens when you live in excess, pay no attention to the signs, use up everything around you without regard, live for today with no plan to rebuild, or pay no respect to others or their things. Well you might be the Governor of NJ, Maybe the President of Iraq, or even a credit card company. But all these roads have lead us to the worst recession of the decade or more. Its a shame that we only learn by mistake anymore, at least if you’re a teen that is. If only someone took an actual look into the waste that goes on in government agencies both at national and regional levels.  Lately due to several radio stations like 101.5 NJFM, you are starting to see some actual changes in reporting of excess via official channels. Daily they report how NJ politicians are certainly killing the NJ economy without regard for anyone, what a shame but if you can sleep with yourself then I guess it’s ok?   NOT!  So how many of you are still driving the big SUV? Bet your thinking of a smaller version now? Really who wouldn’t, with gas expeceted to reach over $4 a gallon by Summer seems small short trips are the key for family vacations to the shore and other places.

So has anyone even seen recently how many soldiers have been killed in the war? Oh by the way we are fighting for oil right? So why are prices so high?????????????????? If you have an answer please let us know. The future although uncertain does seem to be getting bleeker with each nightly news cast I watch, from mothers leaving their newborns, to people stealing the copper from your vacation home, it is very certain that people are getting more desperate just to survive forget getting rich at this point. Every single event happening seems to be heading south and I have yet to see anyone in office address the issues we are facing daily. Thgis election upcoming promises to be a strange one, we have to vote on:

  1. A minority President (never done before)
  2. A woman President ( another first)
  3. A man who MIGHT make his full term?

I think perhaps a third world country is starting to look pretty nice at this point! At least if they want to steal your money they have to fighht you for it. Over here they just pass new taxes to get it: Gas, Sales, Luxury, Capitial Gains or just extort it from their office instead you be the judge.


Till Later.

SHUT UP AND SKATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In uncertain economic conditions like the ones that are happening now, how can a family owned skate shop even compete with the corporate chain stores and even gain market share from the regions they service?

Skateboarding in general is in the midst of a major downturn just like we had back in the late 90’s and even further back than that. Perhaps this can be contributed to by the following factors:

  •  Too many Shops in certain geographic areas all looking for piece a of the pie that is shrinking.
  • Corporate takeover and consolidations in marketing.
  • skateboarders themselves have stereotyped the industry in a negative light.
  • Rents and sales taxes are going crazy while the sales are dropping steadily.
  • Cost of shipping is growing at a tremendous rate hurting sale prices at retailers.

So now what? If everything follows the current trend, you should see major changes in the industry way to do business. Petroleum is at an all time high effecting everything from Wheels to footwear prices. Since Americans all seem to use oil based products we have no where to go but up!! Skateboarding has seen this before, went underground and came back at least two times in my life I can remember. But where does that leave the skaters? Looking for shops that’s where.

Smaller family owned shops are having a huge headache trying to keep up, many have already closed doors with certainly many to follow in the coming months. At Bordz, we have already diversified our inventory to carry: BMX products, promote Birthday Party packages, Summer instructional Camps, along with providing repair services for BMX, Surfboards and Skateboards. Oh did I mention that Bordz also does lessons and even Heating and Air Conditioning services and repairs.

Not a plug but even with all these services we (specialty shops) find it difficult to keep doors open much longer in this economic climate. Certain financial obligations must always be met and under this recession, we are seeing a rapid decline in revenue from expendable cash that parents once had for their children. Even Citibank has posted a loss this year and are planning a layoff of over 9000 employees???? The AC casinos are also in the same boat with PA parlors now taking a small market share of their once monopolized revenue source. However the tourist season is fast approaching and many new sources of expendable vacationer revenue is rolling into town very soon.

But, will the price of gas at $4 a gallon effect the NJ shore summer revenue influx? This remains to be seen, I think the bigger question is:

How many shops ie Food, retail etc will even be around to see the summer influx?? The private sector in the state is faltering while the Unions, Government employees and executive branches all show solid growth?? Hm,mmm, anyone want a NJ state Job? Comes with benefits, pension and loads of perks like FREE taxpayer money. If you hesitate to listen to me than just take a listen any morning to NJ 101.5 FM radio and see what is really happening in NJ. Many are losing their jobs, Homes, Cars and many more are losing their health worrying how to pay for the everyday expenses just to live here.

So then where does skateboarding go from here? At least in NJ, you will see a BIGGER decline than ever before in industry sales and growth among the shops in NJ trying to make ends meet. If every skater was loyal to their local skateboard shop then most could make it by in these trying times. But since most skaters are kids and so easily lead the mall stores will survive (due to large $ backing they write off the loss against what they rip you off for when you buy from them Profit) and the local family owned shops will most likely fade away into what used to be and will always be the backbone of skateboarding and where it should have stayed. Please take a look at FTK.COM under the uncertainty article, you will getr a good idea of the future of skateboarding.

The demise of Skateboarding:

internet and mail order /the high price of petroleum / China wood decks / teenage attitudes / skaters making things tough for themselves by stereotyping / Municipal government.

Till Later: Skate on and wear a helmet!


Its Been a long time since:

  • The last Bordz posting
  • Bordz had an outdoor Contest
  • Galloway cared about its residents and kids
  • Landlords cared about their tenants
  • Two of my friends wigged out and shop at Forman Mills now.
  • The ecomony took such a nosedive

With the economy in such a spiral it looks to be a bit larger than previously disclosed. The newsmedia for NJ News states that:

  1. New home sales are at a 13 year low!
  2. New construction is at the worst records in 14 years!
  3. NJ businesses are leaving the state at a record pace to get away from the Governors new plans!
  4. The NASDQ stock market has been on a decine since the holiday with a week long low!
  5. Consumer confidence is at its lowest point since the last reccession??
  6. Homes are in default at a rate of 25% a week!!!!!

So how does this all pan out for the Skateboard industry?

Well it should be like this. #1, companies have already begun consolidation across the board as reported in the industry updates last week.

#2 some distribution companies will shut down and make it harder to get the gear.

#3 my sources tell me that each company will make only as much product needed to satisfy the pre-booked sale numbers, making at once orders a rarity for the smaller shops. This breakdown should also translate back to companies opening more shops for product line pick up. For instance; you never see I-Path outside the mall, but now they will sell to just about anyone who will pick them up. This makes the name overbranded and boring. Other avenues seen are the specialized markets that have opened up. Some shops are so desperate to get their name out they resort to; turning to companies like “seedless & Ipath” among others looking to score on the “hemp” market. Guys that was done 25 years ago, can you imagine paying 166 bucks for pants cause they have a stash bag in your nads?? Yeah ok, the dogs won’t find it! But even still when the economy is this bad everyone needs to do what they think is right.

Yesterday I rode a bike through the next town checking out some stuff. I’m sure you have seen the signs too! SALE! I see them everywhere, 20-30-40 even 70% Off! What the heck is this? Forman Mills?? In this economy only the shops who CARE for their customers, get things done and promote their products will most likely survive, unless of course you are like a buddy of mine and just keep dropping $ into your shop cause you hate kids, never skated or surfed, and just want to piss off everyone who truly knows the products they sell? I have no idea either why people do what they do? But if you watch them close enough, you’ll see the true person in a short time. Does he or she have credibility? Will any of us make it through such a lame economy? Read the papers, watch the news, our country looks bad financially, ethically and morally! Start to make a difference like I do. Change someone’s life if you get the chance. Mentor a young person help them understand what this life is about.  

I;ll type more when I watch the news again. 

bordznet.jpg With a declining economy skateboarding as an industry has seen this before. With two seperate balloons I can think of Skaters have gone underground to skate and progess while mainstream america did it’s thing oh and surfing became the mainstream thing to do. Seems under the new iundustry leaders the word is consolidate! Seems funny the name is a skate brand but it is very fitting that they have been a forefront mover towards “Core” shops and spots and moving the industry out of the malls and shopping centers. The malls have taken the “core” aspect out of the sport and made it a seperate issue: If a skater buys gear at the mall are they really getting knowledege? Or just the flavor of the week for spiffs on commissions? Its funny to me when someone asks for an old school deck? Old? man I rode that when I first started skating! I guess that’s why the mgr from our local mall shop came in to talk with me the other day? Hmmmm, I think knowledge speaks for itself, and so does corporate funding! Money always wins guys!! It’s a shame but parents could care less about the place they buy a product, they just want a bargain, even if it is not the right thing for your kid? Guess that’s why almost all new skaters come to us? Anyway, movers and shakers tend to make the market when its down, and I think you will see alot more changes than these upcoming postings in the near future!

Newest Industry moves:

  • BURTON has just acquired Alien Workshop and Habitat skateboards, He owned Channel Islands now for the past few months.
  • Baker skateboards will be leaving Blitz distribution to start out with their own distro to include a new Baker skate company named Deathwish. Looks like they will be pulling a few big name pros to round out the all-star team.
  • Flip is moving from Blitz as well to go with NHS who already has big names like Santa Cruz, Independent, and Creature. That looks like a great fit for both companies involved. Marketing is closely related and focused at similiar age groups.
  • Reportedly Reynolds wants to help push his band of pros up and coming ams and such and make a major marketing push for upcoming years. The timeframe is a bit sketchy but that should reportedly happen over tyhe next year or so. My guess is under current slow down in the industry it may happen sooner than later.
  • It looks like Blitz may be a thing of the past???????? Time will tell.
  • The new Black Box spring 2008 line up is out and it is UNREAL! Bordz just can’t get this gear in here sooon enough. The graphics and products offered are just inane!
  • The Fallen team is away shooting the upcoming DVD release from them. Tommy A has reportedly been asked to go Full Pro and drop schooling for the year to make it. Let’s see what he does.
  • The new Baker graphics are kiler as well with the exception of the x-rated leo deck coming out. I’m just not sure how many shops can sell that graphic. If you see thecatalog you will know what I mean. Also new gear from Flip looks better than usual with the new all over prints making a huge statement this spring season.

That’s it for now, I’ll drop more info later, meanwhile check out:



Well if you have been watching ANY of the news media in regard to the holiday season retail figures, EVERY single sector of retail was down, this even means the restaurants as well, from every source I have seen to include: Wall Street Journal, CNN, Local and National news, and Press articles retail sector was down by almost 70% on some places. Now there are a few exceptions like on-line sales, I understand that On-line was down only 20-35% DEPENDING ON YOUR INDUSTRY. It would seem that consumers are starting to hang on to money a bit longer and looking for better deals than ever before, the panic buying seems to have been a thing of the past. The service industry still remains the top dog in  steadfast numbers due to the incredible amount of requests for technical expertise and manual labor. In the action sports industry it looks like the companies themselves are placing their own distribution channels in jeopardy. By this I mean that in recent months the manufacturers have begun to sell direct to the consumer via Internet retail sites. Very few still actually drive the consumers to the small retailers via web links, or sites. Take Burton snowboards for instance: Why would you go to a retailer near you and buy gear form them a an up-charge when you can drop an order to them direct and have it shipped to your door? The days of the small guy selling big names seem to be at an end. The Snow / Skate / and seems now even surf industry seem to be on the verge of a balloon in popularity. With a gluttony of products on the market and smaller Direct face to face distribution channels, these industries need to take a serious look at the way they do business if they choose not to become another statistic in the chain of events. In the world of e-commerce, the face to face customer service aspect of our industry is fast becoming a thing of the past, you know like when you have to post outside your door that you “build Pro Boards here” on your skate shop sign. Needed are the days of old where you could only get a skateboard at a skate shop, surfboards from your local surf shop, (you know, they guy who actually surfs with you), and the shop where when you had questions you can ask the owner and he or she would know the answers, not type them back to you from their website. Bring back Customer service and we can re-establish the action sports industries as the top of the line customer service industry. Stop listening to ads on TV, or in the mags showing a Pro killing it on their model shoe, go to a shop that will fit you properly for what you need not what was on sale as a “spiff” on the day. You will not skate any better in his shoe than in one that fits your needs best, I assure you, it has been time tested!

Happy New Year!  

party-crowd.jpg Everday I wake up and doubt myself for choices I’ve made at the shop, But everyday someone walks in to tell me how important I really am to people and the amount of things I do around here. Just last night it happened again with a nice woman donating over $100 in gifts for the family we are helping this holiday season in Absecon. I can only hope that my articles although bummers sometimes help others get through their tough times as well.

Lifes’ Meaning as I see it

Any way we look at it life is strange right? It is written we are all made of the same substances and composed of the exact same atomic matter as the galaxy, Now to start, why are we so impressed or obsessed with immense scale? When it’s the small things that really count. Why do we create our own worlds just to give the illusion of complete control? When we know we most certainly are not in control. Also how come we claim individuality, then accept a degrading confomity to everyone else? Why as humans do most of us when impassioned tend to argue and fight, when just talking is the best response to problems. Also we seem to be drawn to one another, but yet build up barriers around our innermost feelings and self worth. The theories of lifes meaning are endless yet only one seems to be true as I see it, LOVE, all its forms make it an enduring force that brings meaning to our lives or at the very least it should. And I am speaking of that inner warmth, not sexual love, but what makes you talk nice, and be nice to others, Many of us dream of it, and are impassioned by it to persue the dreams of their childhood, but really most of us just end up a bit short of true happiness. So now I ask you what is your life’s passion? Mine, Helping others, and spreading the word of God in my own way, not from the book, but I hope it is known by my actions towards others. So I tell you, please go after your dreams with a full heart, make the most of your time on Earth, we don’t live forever you know!

I hope this little article will make you want to get up and help others or yourself achieve your dreams and be the happiest person on Earth!

I can only wish you inner Peace, since I struggle with that every single day! 


In the true spirit of Christmas three ladies have just dropped off a bundle of Christmas gifts for our adopted Absecon family. I can not thank these ladies enough in a year that has seen everyone down in sales and revenue, they dug deep into their pockets and are willing to help others. My heartfelt thanks go out to: Kim Sepynski, Barb Gitto and Sandy Stevens.